Roll up, roll up. It’s roundup time again! First off, a few little notes. I know that Google’s Blogger service has been dodgy this week, but there is some particularly odd stuff going on at Bernie Hughes’ place. It seems as though his blog has been hacked! Ow. Anybody know what’s going on? More amusingly, […]
October 2006
SBR4: Religion, Independence and the Weather
Welcome to this week’s roundup, now moved back to Sunday. We’d wanted to try a different day for various reasons, not least in order not to clash with other more esteemed and well established roundups, but Sunday just seems the natural day to round up the weeks’ blogging goodness. (Even better if I’d been organised […]
SBR3: SNP donors, Ewan Aitken and libertarianism
Welcome to this week’s Scottish Blogging Roundup. A bit of an experiment as this week’s roundup is arriving on Friday afternoon. What do you think? Starting off with a piece of news from last weekend, although the comment on it has continued on to the end of the week. Tom Farmer has donated £100,000 to […]
The ‘Newly discovered’ linklog and
Sorry for bumping the latest roundup off the top of the page, but I thought I’d take a bit of time to explain the ‘Newly discovered’ feature which I added to the sidebar this week. As you might expect by its name, this is where we are going to place Scottish political blogs that are […]
SBR2: Conservatives for Independence, the veil and why the S.E. won’t be reading this
Welcome to the second Scottish Blogging Roundup and this week it’s my turn. Before we start, I’d just like to say one thing. ONE NIL, ONE NIL, ONE NIL, ONE NIL! Ahem, anyway, there’s lots of good stuff this week so let’s get straight down to it. With the SNP doing reasonably well in the […]
SBR1: The New Union, the secretive Executive and rats with wings
Welcome to the inaugural Scottish Blogging Roundup! This week Scottish bloggers took a look at the contoversial idea of a “New Union”, whether Gordon Brown is too Scottish to be Prime Minister and what should be done about the vermin in Holyrood. But first, a little explanation for this roundup. Here is the post at […]