Good morning all, and welcome to Ewan Watt’s first ever Roundup. I thought I’d start out today by congratulating those who finished in the Total Politics top 40 Scottish blogs, including the Roundup which lurked in a very impressive 31. No doubt Scottish blogs will have a strong showing in the UK top 100. Some […]
August 2008
SBR 100!: Flirting with the Tories and fluttering the flag (again!)
Yes, believe it or not this is the 100th roundup ever. At least, that is according to how the posts have been categorised, which could be a bit hit and miss in fairness. That is the main roundup, not counting specials or non-political roundups. The maths whizzes among you will have worked out that this […]
The Festival, the Olympics and broadband bother
I still haven’t decided whether this is the first non-political roundup or simply the return of it. Whatever, welcome along and I hope you enjoy what you read and find some good posts that would have otherwise escaped your attention. By the way, I’m looking for a better name for this thing. ‘Non-political roundup’ doesn’t […]
Focus on Fife
Hi folks! Once again we’ve proven that there is no such thing as a silly season. August is in full swing and this week there’s been plenty for bloggers to get their teeth into. We start in Fife, where the death of John MacDougall MP from a long illness could have massive implications for UK […]
Poverty, taxes and guns (only the happy topics on this blog!)
Hello, and welcome to this week’s roundup! I simply have to start with Clairwil’s mammoth but excellent post on the subject of poverty and education. Well worth a read. SNP councillor Jahangir Hanif was suspended by his party this week after the Evening Times published photographs of him firing a Kalashnikov while holidaying in Pakistan. […]
After Glasgow
Well, with Glasgow East being out of the way, there I was enjoying my lunchtime pint and wondering whom to mention first when the following extraordinary sentence leapt out of the Financial Times: As we negotiate stiff gates and aggressive dogs, I talk to the living embodiment of new Conservatives – with a name that […]