March 2010

The More Things Change….Time to Adjust Your Clocks.

Editing the Scottish Roundup is a first for me but I can’t help thinking there is a whiff of nostalgia and deja-vu in the air as I look through the news headlines and how the Scottish blogosphere interprets it in its own inimitable and diverse way. It’s the run up to an election, Labour are […]

Avoiding the wooden spoon

Greetings one and all, and welcome to this week’s Scottish Blogging Roundup. It is, as the nurse said to the patient, “months since I’ve been in this position”, so it’s good to see you all again. (No, really, that is what the nurse said to the patient.) Apart from Scotland’s marvellous win at Croke Park […]

Turning Left?

Hi folks! It’s been a busy and varied week in the blogosphere, and there’s been plenty going on for you all to get your teeth into. The thing is, just as we’re supposedly heading for a rightward turn at Westminster, Holyrood appears to be facing the other way. Scottish Socialist Youth has a report from […]

That was the week that was ….

Well here goes my first attempt at compiling the round-up and what a week to end up covering. It started with the resignation of Steven Purcell, first as leader of Glasgow City Council and ended up with his resignation as a councillor.  In between we’ve had the decision to exclude the SNP and other parties […]

Of bullies, apologies, slogans, and paranoia

It’s a pleasure to do the round-up again, and this time they’ve let me loose on some of the political stuff. I feared that I might have to feign interest in the interminable shadow election campaign, which has largely been a policy free zone – as politicians of all sides maintain a high level of vacuous […]