April 2010

What a difference a week makes…

Hello there everyone! Kirsteen here from Debate is Free; doing my first Scottish Round up, please be gentle and don’t aim for the head the bruises will show. It’s been a funny old week with the fallout of the Icelandic ash cloud still dominating much of the headlines when it wasn’t vying for space against […]

Ash! Ah-aaahhh…

Hi folks! It’s all a bit quiet, really. Nothing to say. Well, apart from an election that’s been blown wide open and a volcano that’s belching tons of ash into the air and knackering travel plans across the continent. Meh. We’ll start with Eyjafjallajoekull. And, no, this is not the latest villain in Doctor Who […]

Digital disasters

Hi everyone! It is a while since I have felt the spicy heat of the hot seat. My last roundup was in fact way back in January. I decided to give myself a bit of time off actually writing the things, as real life has become a bit busier and time consuming. But I thought […]

A week for Holy Fools…

Christ is risen! Ish, maybe, certainly, or not! Delete as your own cosmological preferences tend.  Whether redeemed or unredeemable, thirsting after righteousness or thirsting after a breakfast Chablis, I invite you this lustrously distilled Easter round-up of the Scottish blogosphere’s  obsessions, hobby horses, private feuds, political commitments and existential reflections. Welcome to the just and […]