Oh, to still be on holiday…

After the silliness of the end of term my school library has been a wonderfully quiet oasis for two weeks, conversely the public libraries have been totally crazy entertaining the holidaying children.  Librarian Loons and Quines posted her Favourite Read Aloud Picture Books , though I noticed she missed my favourite – Tanka Tanka Skunk by Steve Webb. Library patrons Kids, Craft and Chaos take a trip to their local library to stock up on some new books.

For those who did manage to get away quite a few are posting their holiday snaps. I’ve enjoyed following Domestikated’s US trip – though I was very envious of her Mad Morning Tea. Not quite so far flung adventures were being had by Pining for the West who discovered that Stratford-on-Avon isn’t as bad as it’s cracked up to be, while A Son of A Rock has been admiring the architecture just along the road in Alcester.

For those of us who haven’t made it out of Scotland, be inspired by just how beautiful this country of ours can be by popping over to Scotland in the Gloaming’s blog and seeing a charming photo of the River Tay. Alternatively if you are looking for beauty in an urban landscape, Geener Leith is trying to save historic lamp posts in Leith. Or try and find something to be cheerful about like Percy Pigs (a form of jelly sweetie from M&S)  as advocated by Audrey Birt’s Breast Cancer Blog.

You’d have to be holidaying in a cave somewhere very, very remote not have seen the news about the SPL moving the goal posts on ailing Rangers. The Scottish Football Blog ponders if the SPL is playing fair or foul while Bella Caledonia has gone a step further and is having a call to arms against the SPL. No doubt we can look forward to yet more on this story in the coming weeks.

Luckily for someone as apathetic to football as me that it is not the only story making the news. The decision by Scottish courts to film the sentencing of Suzanne Pilley’s murderer, David Gilroy, and release the footage to the media is setting Caron’s Musing on edge. The latest Economist cover is getting people’s backs up with Better Nation offering up their thoughts while Leithal Yak suggests an alternative cover option.

Then is are the upcoming local elections are getting more prominent. As the campaign leaflets appear through my door, I begin my debate on how to vote this time and I’m not the only one starting to dwell on the issues. Lallands Peat Worrier ponders the possible future for the Liberal Democrats in Glasgow while From Speakers Corner made me giggle as they reflect on how the personalities in SNP may hinder or help their ability to win votes.

Speaking of elected officials, it appears that whenever the UK Government suggests as an idea it gets shot down in flames and this week’s burning policy is the planned capping to tax relief on charitable donations. Better Nation’s post looks at the reasons why people make financial donations and not all of them are related to government tax breaks.

If the government fancy supporting local charities, and fancy my vote, I’d recommend rewarding volunteers – ideally with a nice holiday. With that optimistic thought in mind I’ve given up my weekend to volunteering –  I’m off to walk up a hill with a group of 25 young people as part of their DofE training. Fingers crossed they can find North this time.

Hope you all have a lovely day as well.


  1. Thanks for including Loons and Quines in your Roundup. As you can no doubt tell, I’m passionate about picture books, and love sharing my enthusiasm with anyone who’ll listen (usually the pre-schoolers and Nursery classes who visit our library, but not exclusively).
    Funny you should mention ‘Tanka, Tanka Skunk’, as it’s sitting in my storytime box waiting for the blogging treatment right now!
    Actually, I thought that you’d be tempted be ‘Whiffy Wilson’ (no insult intended)!