The ‘Newly discovered’ linklog and

Sorry for bumping the latest roundup off the top of the page, but I thought I’d take a bit of time to explain the ‘Newly discovered’ feature which I added to the sidebar this week.

As you might expect by its name, this is where we are going to place Scottish political blogs that are new (to us at least). If you have any suggestions for what can go there (even if it’s your own blog!), please let us know via the usual method — emailing scottishroundup [at] gmail [dot] com.

It’s worth pointing out that we’re using a account for the ‘Newly discovered’ feature. If you are a user of and you want to bring something to our attention you can simply tag it as for:scottishroundup.

Simple, eh? If you’re a regular user of, this method will be far more convenient than going to the trouble of writing an email. By the way, you can use that method if you want to nominate a post for the next roundup, not just for ‘newly discovered’ blogs.

Update: By the way, as an experiment this week’s roundup will be posted on Friday, so get those nominations in!

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