Hi there, Richard here with this weeks roundup. A bit later than usual as ‘events’ have gotten the better of me this week (more on that at the end). I had been expecting the ‘silly season’ to get the better of the political and news stories, but there seem to be plenty in circulation, so […]
August 2007
Information on a Conversation and a Resignation (updated)
Hello there! It’s that time of the week again. Is it just me, or does it come around far too quickly these days? (Don’t answer that.) Anyway, I start with a small confession: when I said ‘yes’ to taking part in the Roundup, I was quietly dreading August, and the probable lack of material that […]
Broadcasting in Scotland, and are the SNP really that far ahead?
Hello there! I am back from a three week break from Scottish Roundup. Not fully refreshed unfortunately, but you can’t win them all. Surprisingly, for the silly season, there have been a fair few talking points this week. Starting off with the debate on Scottish broadcasting which has been kickstarted by Alex Salmond this week. […]
Silly Season Brings Flags, Liberty and ‘Xtremism’ To Scotland
Hello, and welcome to this week’s roundup. I’m your host, Richard Thomson, and for the next few hundred words or so, I’ll be your guide on this week’s whistlestop tour around the small corner of the blogosphere that is forever Scotland. With both Holyrood and Westminster now in recess, the silly season is officially upon […]