A warm welcome to this week’s Scottish Roundup, which I’ve cunningly produced on a Monday just to keep you all on your toes. There’s a bumper crop of nominations this week, credit for which goes (if credit’s the word) to Doctorvee who nominated about a thousand people for my perusal. “Hero” is a word that […]
October 2007
Today’s all about minging, eating & drinking with a bit of sex thrown in
How did I end up doing this roundup? Well, you see, it all started when I complained that my blog was rarely mentioned in the roundup. I noticed one week that NO female bloggers were mentioned and thought it might be quite funny to wind these guys up – sexism! Shocking behaviour. I thought it […]
Brown bottles and bad media institutions
Hello there! Roundup time again. The big talking point is still the non General Election. Reactionary Snob has perhaps the most colourful post on the events. That colour is mostly Brown, mind you. Gavin Yates got the reaction from Lochaline. Meanwhile, Kezia Dugdale felt a bit stood up! With an alternative take on events, the […]
The Election that wasn’t
Hi folks! You have me again this week, chiefly on account of the fact that I’m keeping my Saturday nights free for the next few months, but have nothing to do after Strictly Come Dancing finishes for the night. Anyway. The Westminster Election that now won’t be happening was the talk of the blogosphere this […]