Hi folks! It’s been another weird and wonderful week in the Scottish blogosphere, and nothing is more weird and wonderful than the investigation into Tommy Sheridan. Until now, the Tanned One has been taking pelters, but there are the first signs of a backlash developing, with a Solidarity spokesman decrying the inquiry as a ‘witch-hunt’. […]
February 2008
Borders and Boundaries
Hi folks! This week’s Roundup is going to be a bit process-y, as you are in the tender care of an unapologetic electoral geek. This is because the Boundary Commission for Scotland has issued its long awaited draft proposals to revise the boundaries for the Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies. ASwaS takes a look at some of […]
It’s all about the money, it’s all about the ding-ding dinga-ding-ding-ding
Hi folks! One of the bonuses of the Budget getting passed is that this is the last week of posts about the Budget. This is the fourth consecutive week where it has featured, and with events reaching what could reasonably be described as a dramatic conclusion, it’s a good place to start. Malc in the […]
We really are cursed at the moment. The technical problems get worse and worse, and this time everything from the past seven days has been lost on Scottish Roundup and at doctorvee. I’ve managed to recover ASwaS’s roundup from Sunday, so the damage has been rather limited. But apologies if you have been looking for […]
Party like it’s 1994
Well howdy true believers, faithless infidels and Nicol Stephen. I’m in the guest rounder-upper seat this week, so hold on – the only driving licence I’ve got is from Will P and comes in multiple colours of crayon. But if this is going to be rough going, imagine being on the Wendy Alexander Express right […]