April 2008

There’s nothing like a lack of petrol to fuel the blogosphere

Hi folks! Just when you think things are settling down and getting quieter, up pops something that throws everything into confusion. The good workers of Grangemouth Oil Refinery have done exactly that, and are now out on the picket line, as the unions and the employers, Ineos, place their naughty bits on the table and […]

Stock up on piano wire.

Muahahahaha. For some reason I was asked to do the Scottish Roundup for this week – ah, the fools! Every time I see roundup, I think of this… Trouble is, the weeds around here just will not die… I say we dust off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to […]

Olympics and Obama

Hello there and welcome to this week’s roundup. This week many bloggers turned their thoughts to this year’s Beijing Olympics as the torch parade went to London. Flying Rodent was on the scene. Stephen Glenn thinks that any boycott, as suggested by Nick Clegg, would not do the trick. Besides, it isn’t feasible: Nick may […]

Recess? What recess?

Hi folks! With the MSPs off on their hollybobs, it’s tempting to think that bloggers will follow suit, and hang up their keyboards for a week or so. Wrong! In fact, the Scottish blogosphere is as busy as ever, and with the Scottish Labour Conference taking place in Aviemore last weekend, why not? Kezia Dugdale […]