May 2008

Labour’s by-election woes and the SNP’s SFT

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s roundup, my first back from yet another of my little hiatuses (hiatii?). The story of the week was probably the Crewe and Nantwich by-election. It does appear to signify curtains for Gordon Brown’s Prime Ministerial career. Scottish Politics points out that all political careers end in failure and […]

100,000 go Mad in Manchester

Hi folks! It’s been an ugly, ugly week for Scottish bloggers, with Rangers falling at the last hurdle of the UEFA Cup, their supporters trashing Manchester (which, to be fair, isn’t hard) and Scottish Labour’s policy over an independence referendum being as sure to work as a giant TV screen in Piccadilly Gardens. Yup, it’s […]

Bringing It On…

Hello, and welcome to this week’s roundup. Surely, the biggest fear for anyone entrusted with taking a shot at compiling the weekly Scottish blogs runaround, is that nothing of any note whatsoever will happen on your watch. I’m now on my second outing, but with a bank holiday weekend of glorious weather being thrown into […]

Tartan Special Goes Dutch Memorial Edition

As I start writing this we are just recovering from having two consecutive days of rain here in Adelaide. A very unusual occurrence in our current drought affected climate. The rain dancers have clearly done their job and the farmers are hoping to sew a crop. My kids were moaning and groaning about not being […]