There’s really only one show in town this week and that’s the Pre-Budget Report. Delivered on Tuesday, it’s kept the Scottish blogosphere talking ever since. Holyrood Patter was unimpressedwith the 2.5% cut in VAT, explaining how little he would have saved had he bought his Ipod after the cut. Wholly Rude wasn’t wholly impressed either. […]
November 2008
Helpers wanted for Scottish Roundup
Once again, I have found myself in the situation where I need to reduce my commitment to something due to a lack of time. I’ve already reduced my role in Scottish Roundup a bit since I set it up two years ago. I had, however, hoped that more people would nominate more posts. Unfortunately, it […]
The Week of the Fascist Fonebook (Phascist Phonebook?)
Hi folks! It’s amazing what people get revved up about, isn’t it? This week, a list of contacts has set the blogosphere alight. Thing is, this is no ordinary contacts list – it’s a list of BNP members, and bloggers being excitable types, quite a few people had something to say. IndyGal weighs up the […]
What you weren’t told about pregnancy, job hunting, travelling, gigs…
Hello everyone and a warm welcome to this month’s non-political Scottish blogging roundup. Yes, it’s another dip into the weird and wonderful thoughts of Scottish bloggers, and the issues that are affecting their lives. Fiona at Nintendo and Chocolate has a hilarious post about the unspoken truths of pregnancy. Hunting for a job (I know […]
Who’s to blame for the abuse of Baby P?
Hello and welcome to this week’s roundup. Following on from the death of Baby P, West World asks how many more such deaths will be accepted before there is a rethink in how the system works. But Cabalamat points out that no professional can expect to be right all of the time, especially when a […]
Yes Obama can — but the SNP can’t
Hello everyone and welcome to part 2 of this week’s bumper edition. This post has the reactions to this week’s elections. Most immediately affecting Scottish politics is the Glenrothes by-election. By all accounts it was an absolute shocker of a result. Not so much the fact that Labour won — and congratulations to Cabalamat (and, […]
The pre-post-election special non-special
Hello, and welcome to part 1 of this week’s roundup. That’s right. There was so much great bloggery to digest that I have decided to split the roundup into two parts. All the reaction to this week’s elections will be coming up later today in a bumper edition of the roundup. In the meantime, here […]
Fighting for Fife: The Glenrothes By-Election Special
Hi folks! Hot on the heels of Tuesday’s look across the Atlantic, we now home in on a corner of the Kingdom of Fife, where polls have closed in an election which might not have been quite so successful in capturing the world’s imagination but has captured a lot of attention in the blogosphere. And […]
Liveblogging the US Election
I’ll keep this updated regularly – if you want a blog adding, drop me a line through via MacNumpty so I can post it here! Anyway, I’ll be around, as will the following: Alex Massie BellgroveBelle Bernard Salmon Caron Holyrood Patter Malc in the Burgh Keep checking here for more, as and when they emerge!
Obama-rama-ding-dong: The US Election Special
Hi folks! Following on from Sunday’s tease, I’m in the hotseat for what promises to be a night of high emotion. Already, officials in Virginia have announced that about a third of registered voters showed up in the first four hours of polling, and that Petersburg has seen half-mile-long queues to the polling stations. Despite […]