September 2009

The Return of Smeatomania

Hi folks! Conference season is now well and truly upon us, and it began last weekend with the arrival of the LibDems in Bournemouth. Caron had her reflections here. However, not everyone was impressed with the week – and non-LibDems found all sorts of things to look at, such as Vince Cable’s proposed ‘mansion tax’, […]

The Glasgow Airport Rail Link, RIP

For our first unified political and non-political blogging roundup, the main story is the Glasgow Airport Rail Link, or rather the fact that there isn’t going to be one. Jeffrey Breslin notes the opposition to the axing of the rail link. Neil Craig thinks a better rail link could be built for a lot less […]

The last ever NoPoScoBloRo

Hi everyone. Yes, it’s true. After a year, the non-political roundup experiment is being brought to an end. Most agreed that it was better to now re-merge the two roundups, so we will be reverting back to one roundup every Sunday covering the whole blogosphere. In the meantime, though, there is still the past month […]

Paedophiles Until You Prove Otherwise

Well the kneejerkism of Labour now looks like making Edinburgh’s Museum of Childhood become a museum of modern culture as two stories this week seem to mark the possible end of childhood as bloggers know it. The news that the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) is to bring in Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks for all adults who […]

Evolving Scottish Roundup

Hi everyone. I’ve been having a think about the direction of this website, as I do from time to time. I want to put my thoughts to the readers because ultimately it’s not my website, it’s the Scottish blogosphere’s so the choice is up to you. I am wondering about the separation of political and […]

More on Megrahi #2

For those of you itching to return to the days when the Scottish Roundup never included any blogs about Lockerbie please look away… now. Yes, not too surprisingly Lockerbie continues to be a burning issue, although now it’s the Labour government in Westminster rather than the SNP in Holyrood receiving most of the flack. Still, […]