December 2009

Introducing the Scotblogs awards

With the end of the year comes mild nostalgia, endless navel gazing and jumped-up awards ceremonies. In the past couple of months one or two people suggested to me that there should be an end-of-year Scottish Roundup awards ceremony. After canvassing opinions among some other bloggers, most agreed that it was a good idea. So […]

Hot music, cooling weather, warming climate

Hello, and welcome to this week’s roundup. It’s the last one of the year. As normal, we are taking the week between Christmas and new year off. However, stay tuned for a special announcement some time next week! In the meantime, though, let’s get on with this week’s roundup. The year in music We are […]

Season of Goodwill? Hah!

Hi folks! You’d think we were winding down for Christmas, but despite the arrival of the Doctor Who-themed Christmas idents on BBC1, there are still twelve days, a series of dull, uncomfortable office parties and the traditional scrum in front of the cosmetics counter at Boots to go. The upshot of this is that the […]

Out with the old and in with the new…

This week has been a week of changes, proposed changes, beginnings and endings. When I agreed to edit this week’s Roundup I assumed that I would settle down to a large pile of opinions on the St. Andrew’s Day massacre of the UK constitution by Mr Salmond. However, his desire to rewrite Britain’s unwritten constitution […]