Scottish Roundup is brought to you this week by Gavin Hamilton who blogs at The View from the Hills. You say you want a revolution well you know, we all want to rule the world… You say you got a real solution Well you know, we’d all love to see the plan… (Lennon/McCartney 1968) August […]
August 2011
Would you save a life or just walk on past?
The headline story for this week’s Scottish Roundup comes from a blog I hadn’t seen before. However, Gordon Darroch‘s story of spotting a man outside the railings on a bridge is a lovely haunting read – I commend it to you. Tongue twisters Normally anything containing the phrase “self-organised unconference” would earn snorts of derision […]
A Riotous Week
The big London news this week was of course the intense drama and controversy of the Olympic beach volleyball test event. Um…well…that and the riots. The violence and looting that has broken out in London and elsewhere has inevitably resulted in a great amount of debate and disagreement. So it is that this, RAD Software’s […]
Say what you mean, mean what you say
It might be good to talk, but it’s not always easy to get your point across. The gift of communication also brings with it the potential for misunderstandings, wilful misrepresentation and downright foot-squarely-wedged-in-mouth verbal mistakes. And communication – good, bad and confused – is the theme of this, theshooglypeg’s first scramble up into the editor’s […]