The great thing about blogs is that they can shed light on all sorts of things. From carpentry to cats, snowballs to sarsaparilla, you can find a blogpost about almost any subject that will explain matters quickly and concisely. This week’s batch of Scottish blogs have only one thing in common: they all offer us […]
February 2012
Roses are red, Rangers are blue
The schools were out this week and both Holyrood and Westminster Parliaments were in recess. There has, however, been no holiday for bloggers who have written on all sorts of subjects this week. First of all, there was Valentine’s Day. Audrey Birt doesn’t do the commercial side of it but her touching post shows that […]
No singing in Parliament please, just in case you were thinking of it
When it comes to any future referendum, Jeff warns that “…meek conformity will be a factor”. Robin McAlpine makes an argument for a crowd sourced constitution for a new independent Scotland… And if it comes to it, John Kay advises people to think carefully before considering the set up of a separate Scottish currency, even, […]
Smacking and other punishments…….
Labour MP David Lammy made some controversial comments about smacking this week. Kirsty at Better Nation takes him to task. But this has been a week which has seen high profile figures take other forms of punishment. Mr Goodwin lost his knighthood. Again at Better Nation, Aidan argues that he’s the scapegoat for much wider […]
Bloggers and readers, your Scottish Roundup needs you.
Do you enjoy the Scottish Roundup or does it annoy you because something has been left out? Either way, it might be time to step forward and have a go at putting together the roundup one week. The Scottish Roundup is put together by a team of volunteers and we know there’s no way we […]